Saturday, February 6, 2010

wat if...

wat if i quit, what am i going to do?

wat if i study, wat course should i take up?

wat if i start a business, wat should i do?

wat if i go back for good, how abt everything here?

wat if they know? wat should i do?

wat if i want to tell, where is my courage?

wat if i leave, where can i go?

wat if i stay in my comfort zone, would i be happy?

wat if i step out, wat will happen to me?

wat if wat if ....too many uncertainties, too many doubts............too many things in my head....

but everytime i look away from all these things...and look upon You...

You are my answer

you are my everything...

cos i know Only thru You..

cos of wat You have completed

everything is POSIBBLE!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Life rechecking time..

Had a good catch up wz Z this afternoon right after my amazing race jakarta, its tiring but our time together was really well spent! Bitching abt present working life and missing the old working life. Somehow, u do really miss those fun days in the old days. Fun colleagues, hectic shift hours, funny n crazy hotel guests etc...

After our 1st meal of the day at 5pm, it took sometimes for us to decide what to watch in GV Vivo. Those movie is currently showing din really interest the both of us. My ex-the thai horror, not Z's cup of tea. Universal Soldiers-too voilent for me. Its either the movie i had already watched or he had Or the late late midnight show. In the end, we decided to watch "The boys are back" Basically the story is abt a widower (Clive Owen) struggling to raise his two sons alone. The story is simple and yet light and easy esp for the two of us*the himbo who couldn take the "brainy" movie for that point of time. :)

Especially the part where his wife was diagnose and died with bowel cancer at his happiest moment in life, tat struck me. OK?! It makes me rethink abt my life, my family and friends around me. Is life really tat short that we have to treasure every moments with the loved ones? Some said God can give u everything one day and take away everything tmr? Tat's scary! I would think that the point is not abt God, its about a person's attitude towards his life and ppl around him/her.

I always heard ppl saying a person should live life to the fullest one day at a time like there's no tmr, tat he treasures everything around him and making everything he does meaningful. I totally agree with that BUT sometimes i guess ppl which incld me sometimes take things for granted. Just live the day with no goal, no meaning, no nothing...juz laze around and rot...And on the other side of the world, we are aware tat there are ppl who are worrying and suffering where to get food for today n tmr. some ppl has to escape from the flying bullets or bombs without home. Ppl who lives in fear everyday, ppl who are sick and are striving so hard to live for juz one more day. Sometimes I juz feel for them. By looking at myself in the mirror and reminding myself that let's do something meaningful today....

Back to the reality, the 1st thing came into my mind is my family in TW. My aging parents and my fast growing niece and nephew. Gosh...this movie had really given me a second thought abt my life!!!!-yes i know parents are naggy, kids are noisy, siblings are complaining, relatives are matter wat; I have decided to spend more quality times wz them even though they are so far away! cos i think they are really worth it!

Initially was fed up wz the roster that put me standby on the 1st day of CNY and decided not to go back cos it takes time $ n efforts to change the bloody flt. But many more yrs u will spend CNY wz ur parents at their late 50s? I think arent all the efforts and crazy amt of top up for off days are juz worth to see them welcoming you back and having a good home cooked food together, chatting...laughing..

OK....time to change matter how much it costs...and how troublesome they are...Let's do it Shawn!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010







一路上平顺,听着lady gaga轻快的流行歌曲。看着一路上风景,云又以两百四的时速在大马的高速公路直奔马六甲。过了两个多小时后,我们不知不觉的已经到了2008封为世界遗产之一的古城。

Heritage Hotel Melacca大华酒店:




如果有朋友想住在大华可以打去YTL-饭店的总公司要求resident's package。这个配套包括住宿,早午晚三餐。非常的划算!!饭店也提供免费上网服务跟dvd player :) 还有饭店没有提供房内餐饮服务,所以半夜容易饿的朋友不妨试试看饭店旁的小贩也有一番风味喔!大概一般开到晚上十一点。


饭店有三个地方提供餐食,早跟晚餐会在饭店二楼的餐厅提供,那午餐跟下午茶会在饭店大厅提供。原本以为通常配套里的餐食会很简单。但我们都错了!!早餐的服务很简单,茶,果汁后,服务员会推出餐车。餐车上面有水果,优格,cereal 和各类面包。之后餐桌上有一份menu,你可以点一般早餐有的蛋类或者中式早餐。每天早餐主菜会包括一样面食,不妨可以试试看。我们觉得喜欢辣的人会喜欢吃!


Red snapper Asam pedas
the tenderloin steak
flower crab starter
otah otah salad
tiger prawn wz pasta

The egg rolling massage!!:

本小弟十分喜欢做spa与按摩。看了下榻饭店的spa menu,觉得他们家的按摩很有特色。因为他们以当地pernarakan的特色作为主题。做过这么多种的按摩却从来没有看过egg rolling massage
我本身属凉性但却固执的要试试看egg rollong massage!!!! 哈哈

马来西亚的道路很多都是单向道,如果你错过这个弯道那你就要绕一大圈回到原路。我跟云说这就是road trip好玩的地方-迷路。花了大半时间终于找到了回去的路的说,却在一个弯道碰上了临检。由于有人开的车是名牌的又加上是新加坡的车牌,早已知道会被拦下来。我却很好奇的想知道他们的马来警察会议啥理由开罚。呵呵!刚开始这位年轻的马来警察要看云的证件,看完之后却说云开的车窗的防热贴贴的太暗了,要罚!云以马来话沟通说他刚在新加坡做过车检一切没问题,说有事的话他可以打给他当地有权有势的朋友来帮忙。那警察听了马上愣了一下,马上可以看见脸上的gua guA GUA...没想到我们可以逃过一劫的说,他妈妈的探头看了我一下问我是哪里来的?说要看证件。妈的!刚好我没带皮包出来。簑!!云马上出动作,从皮包揪出马币10块。他妈的,他故意装作不好意思的样子。还轻声用马来话说我们这里有很多人,马上提高贿赂价。云马上翻白眼,那出30块藏在他的证件下面交给他,他才让我们过关!

我之后还心有余悸的在心理暗骂。。真的是malaysian POLIS Boleh!!!

1st Step

1st of all, i would like to congratulate myself for making the 1st step to start my own blog. Have been thinking abt it for a long time cos i am not a person who keeps a diary. *tried tat since young but after 1st few pages...the diary gets shorter and shorter and in the end it becomes drawings cos getting lazier to write hahaha...I really hope it wont happen to this blog, if u guys found out it becomes shorter or sloppier..pls do remind me.

And also pardon my english or chinese here cos after i think this is a blog not a editing or composition competition and i am definitely not a perfectionist :)

For ppl who doesn know me, I am Shawn. Close friends call me Shawny, Shawny boy, Horn *shawn without the S or Song *shawn without the H. I am a Taiwan zai who was borned in TW but grow up in Singapore. THis 1/2 TW 1/2 SG boy loves to travel that he decided to join the one of the biggest airlines here in Asia. I am also into chillex wz my crazy friends, la kopi, high tea, finding next good makan places, hotel n resort hunting, movie, musics, sun tanning, making last min plan for road trip or flight to everywhere. I guess life is so interesting cos it is full of surprises! U will never know what is going to happen to tomorrow. Expect the unpected-the typical merry go lucky sagittarius boy who always has wild imagination and do funny or unusual stuff!

To wrap this up, I wana thank you Jesus for what you have done for me on that cross! Thank you my family though we are so far away apart but you guys are always being missed and loved by me 24/7. Thank you B for always being there for me, though we have gone thru so much tat i think i can direct our drama into a movie one day. Thank you all my dearest crazy friends * u know who u are, who is always there for me, we cried n larf together during the bad n good times. I LOVE u all!!!!